Saturday, July 26, 2014

Quinn Keana Dala

My sunshine.

Well, I was told we were allowed to choose our own topic, if we so please. In this case, I would like to dedicate (at least one) of my blogs posts to my bestfriend in all the cosmos. Her name is Quinn Dala, I can still tell you her street address and phone number from when we met in 6th grade. We both just moved into the same neighborhood. She actually lived right behind me, I could see her house from mine over the lake. We instantly became attached at the hip. She was such an amazing artist, in so many ways. She played the piano and painted as often as she could. Always improving. Never failing to impress me. She came from a wonderful Hungarian family that loved to feed me all of this amazing food that I'd never heard of before. I loved them so much. They were my escape whenever anything was wrong. Quinn and I ended up staying friends throughout grade school, even when I moved back to Live Oak to live with my mom. We still called each other every night, and vented about our days. I still visited, just to stay at her house for a few weeks.

June 8th, 2013 Quinn got into a motorcycle accident. I woke up to a few texts from my friends saying that she had gotten into a really bad accident with a friend of mine, but I didn't believe it. If anything, I was almost angry, that my friends would think it's funny to mess with me like that. There was no possible way, that the girl I basically spent 6 years of my life with, was gone. No. Way. Nope. Not Quinn. Not yet. But, evidently enough, this was no horrible dream I would wake up from. Reality hit, and anger shifted. This was real. That month was pretty much a blur. Everything happened very fast, and seemed like I was in a dream.
I'm so grateful we were apart of each other's journey through life. I can't even put into words the love I have for this girl. We've experienced everything to the moon and back together. Rest in paradise, my everlasting love.

Friday, July 25, 2014

Social Media

It's funny to think one of the main uses of social media is for "communication", when the only thing it's done is make us awkward at really communicating. Look around, you go out to eat and instead of people talking to each other, they're zombied out drooling on their phones. I don't want my kid to grow up to be socially awkward because from the time he came out of the womb, he was using an iPhone. There's nothing normal about this. What happened to kids going out in the woods and building a treehouse, or playing with sticks. When did toy cars become unacceptable? When did giving your 7 year old child an iPhone become the norm? I don't have to be old to understand what's going on. It's honestly the strangest thing to me. You don't even need a key to start your car. Where I come from, we still use screwdrivers to start our car. Have a question? Nevermind the fact that we have google, you don't even have to lift a pinky to type your question. Just say it into just about any device you own. Why is advancing in technology so important to everyone? People lived so long (comfortably) without it.
What's important to me, for my children to know is how to survive. Do you think they're going to learn that from Facebook? The only positive view I have on social media is the fact that you get to "communicate" with friends and family that are far away. Other than that, I could easily and willingly live without it.

Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Flipped Classroom Technique

I really enjoy the flipped classroom technique for a few reasons. 
  1. It really gives us the time to get to know our peers
  2. Allows students to work at their own pace. 
  3. Allows students who miss class, to catch up from home. 
  4. Students in a flipped classroom have more choice in how they demonstrate what they learn
  5. Allows larger access to course material and instruction. If you didn't understand something, you can just rewind the video, or re-read the material; rather than interrupting the teacher in the middle of a lecture to have him repeat what he's said. 

Sunday, July 20, 2014

Learning To Write

Writing to learn, also means learning to write. The whole point of writing to learn is writing to learn, meaning the learning is coming from the writing. This either happens mentally when pencil meets paper, or visually when you're reviewing what your pencil put on that paper. So in my opinion, you need to figure out you're best learning style when it comes to writing. Whether it be with graphs, outlines, or some type of cornell, one of them is more suitable to your learning preference. Choose one, get good at it, write to learn.

My Own Online Image

My own online image should be pretty spotless by now, thanks to this class. A few months ago I actually deactivated my old Facebook and made a new one, due to all the creepos, inappropriate tagging, and just shenanigans. The new and improved facebook of Lexi Hancock is clean with nada shenanigans. But due to this class, I've googled myself and removed anything I wouldn't want a future employer to see. Presentation is everything in job world. You don't have to be happy at your job all the time, you just have to act like it.

Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Writing in a group

Writing in a group is probably furthest from my preferred style on an assignment. People don't always necessarily have the same points of view, so if I write in our paper that green is the superior color because it's the defining color for earth, and life itself; someone else in my group may argue that blue is more superior because it is the color of water, also providing life, and the third person could argue that yellow is, because it's the color of the sun which, is indeed the main life source for anything on our planet. No one is wrong, but no one is right. It's all a matter of opinion and personal preference. You can't fully be comfortable with taking out parts you don't agree with, if someone else wrote them. Who would I be to say that someone else's opinion isn't right? I just highly prefer to work on assignments alone. I feel like I can get the work done faster, and more effectively. But hey, that's my own opinion.

Monday, July 14, 2014

Managing Your Online Presence

Your online image is all you have if someone is specifically looking you up online. Like, oh I dont know, a future employer, perhaps? They don't have to know all the nice, good things about you. They'll know exactly what you give to the public. So I recommend making it a positive one. You can still do crazy stupid things, just don't post them online. You don't have to change anything about your lifestyle, you just need to control what information you're giving the world.

Writing to Learn

What does writing to learn even mean? Writing to learn improves critical thinking skills by putting the information seen or heard back into your own words, so you can fully grasp it. Writing to learn improves student performance and confidence. Students learn to work more efficiently, and improve their writing skills.

Wednesday, July 9, 2014


Hello, my name is Lexi. I'm from a small country town lined with dirt roads, oak trees, and the river. My step dad owns a canoe outpost in Live Oak, on the Suwannee River. Our outpost is inside of the Spirit of Suwannee Music Park, so I got into every music festival for free for 4 years. I actually met my boyfriend Will at a festival in Ocala, and moved down to West Palm with him almost a year ago. From there, we decided we wanted to attend college and better our futures. So we are attending all classes together, and going through the same program, hoping to one day open our own family practice.