Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Flipped Classroom Technique

I really enjoy the flipped classroom technique for a few reasons. 
  1. It really gives us the time to get to know our peers
  2. Allows students to work at their own pace. 
  3. Allows students who miss class, to catch up from home. 
  4. Students in a flipped classroom have more choice in how they demonstrate what they learn
  5. Allows larger access to course material and instruction. If you didn't understand something, you can just rewind the video, or re-read the material; rather than interrupting the teacher in the middle of a lecture to have him repeat what he's said. 


  1. You hit it right on the head Alexis, I love the flipped classroom...wish all my classes would just cooperate.

  2. I like your numbered list, very appropriate and to the point. What do you think about these 5 pro's to the flipped classroom? is it something you have been able to keep motivated at?

  3. I too like the way you did a numbered list, very good.
