Monday, August 18, 2014

Police Officers In The US

Police officers in the US have become uncontrollable. Lately more than ever, I've heard of more undeserved deaths by a police officer than in my entire life. Which isn't that long, but you get what I'm saying. And by undeserved, I mean if you don't have a weapon, or you aren't pointing a weapon at the officer, there should be absolutely NO reason why you have to shoot them 10 times. Maybe a warning shot is understandable, like in the kneecap or something if they are trying to run from you. But if you're a police officer, and you see someone who looks "suspicious" (I use that term broadly, just as broadly as they do) a headshot is completely unnecesarry. It makes me all together not even trust the people that are supposed to be here to protect us in the first place. If I'm in danger, I'd honestly rather handle things by myself, rather than get some nitwit that was given a glock 22, and feels that he can use it at any given time because he has a badge that says so. Yeah, I'll pass on that one.

Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Life Is What You Make Of It

What would you do if you knew you were going to die? Quit school? Paint until your fingers go numb? Travel the world and deeply inhale every breath? Hug trees and whisper sweet things into the bark? Cut your hair? Scream at that person who has always wound you up? Listen to every song you love and dance to them naked in the rain? Kiss the person you love?
Well guess what; you are going to die. None of us can ever truly know exactly when. Maybe tomorrow, 567 days from now, or maybe you’ll make it to age 94. But that doesn’t matter. You should be living. It is so much easier in theory than practice, but start with the little things and work your way to true happiness.
I'm not saying don’t write that paper that's due tomorrow because you could drop dead at any time. I'm saying enjoy it. Life is what you make of it, and I’m fully understanding that now.

Monday, August 11, 2014

How The Times Have Changed

When did your thighs not touching become the norm? What made us feel that "skinny" is beautiful? Marilyn Monroe is the most well renowned sex goddess and she was a size 12. Yes a 12, not a 0 ladies. This goes to both men and women, not that guys are supposed to be a size 0, but for some odd reason, being thick and curvy is no longer desirable. But to whom? Cosmo magazine? Why does their opinion on what is/isn't attractive affect us, and our own individual opinions? Our minds have been warped to believe what they want us to believe is beautiful. In the most cliche way possible, don't judge a book by it's cover. And even if you were, why does it matter if their cover is a little chunky?

Sunday, August 10, 2014


OCD, would not be something I have, but something I have experienced in my family. My uncle has OCD, and will leave work at the drop of a hat if he feels like he forgot to lock the door; then go back to work, and literally leave work again scared that he left the oven on. My little brother, also has OCD, but obviously in a different sense since he doesn't go to work. He is known as a counter/arranger. He has to have everything perfect, like his food. If his food even touches another piece of his food, both are now inedible and contaminated. Some people find this outrageously annoying, and have no idea how someone could put up with that on a daily basis. I feel like everyone has their own unique traits, and OCD can be one of them.

This is one of the most beautiful videos, and reminds me to the T of my uncle