Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Life Is What You Make Of It

What would you do if you knew you were going to die? Quit school? Paint until your fingers go numb? Travel the world and deeply inhale every breath? Hug trees and whisper sweet things into the bark? Cut your hair? Scream at that person who has always wound you up? Listen to every song you love and dance to them naked in the rain? Kiss the person you love?
Well guess what; you are going to die. None of us can ever truly know exactly when. Maybe tomorrow, 567 days from now, or maybe you’ll make it to age 94. But that doesn’t matter. You should be living. It is so much easier in theory than practice, but start with the little things and work your way to true happiness.
I'm not saying don’t write that paper that's due tomorrow because you could drop dead at any time. I'm saying enjoy it. Life is what you make of it, and I’m fully understanding that now.


  1. Once, as he stood doing the dishes after dinner, a fellow monk asked St. Francis what he would do if he knew he had only an hour to live. St. Francis thought for a moment and then said, "I would finish the dishes."

    The insight for me is to invest everything you do with your passion and attention. Engage all of life this way, and you will never be bored, lonely, or depressed. I wish I could do it.

  2. The gift of life should always be appreciated and when we learn to be happy with our innerselves we learn to live our lives to its fullest. Life is one and should not let anybody take away our happiness. I also believe that forgiveness, harmony, and love is the key to enjoy life.

  3. i want to die on a thurdays i figure this way my wife wont loose her weekend

  4. I have found that REALLY watching my children helps me to gain perspective on life. Childhood is lived in the moment and it's such a precious time and gift. As parents, we have an opportunity to relive this experience as we watch our children grow and learn. They don't worry about what they wear or what they have to do today, tomorrow, or next week; they are only concerned with what's happening right now in this exact moment. Unfortunately, we place demands (like homework, chores, etc.) on them as we teach them how to take their place in society. But given the chance, they easily shrug these things off and get right back to the moment that they are in. This is a lesson that can be relearned as we watch them enjoy those carefree moments. Just as we have so much to teach them, they also give many opportunities to learn from them. As long as we're open to the lessons that can be learned from watching this fantastic times in their lives!!

  5. I want to see more of the world before dying. it's such a small place with lots to see.

  6. Alexis, as many have told me before, you have an old soul. The things you've written in your posts and said to me in the past 10 weeks is proof of that. One's view of life IS all that persons persective. Life is what you make of it, and if you make nothing of it than "nothing" is what you'll get out of it. I understand that you and William have had a rough quarter that has put many things in your life into perspective. As well as what's happened to your friend, and the "break-in"... I feel for the both of you. But throught out all of this, you've remained friendly and look forward to the future. I'm sure the universe will even itself out and then it will be time for things to all line up and go your way. Then, I'm sure, you will make big things out of your life and I wish you nothing but the best.
