Monday, August 11, 2014

How The Times Have Changed

When did your thighs not touching become the norm? What made us feel that "skinny" is beautiful? Marilyn Monroe is the most well renowned sex goddess and she was a size 12. Yes a 12, not a 0 ladies. This goes to both men and women, not that guys are supposed to be a size 0, but for some odd reason, being thick and curvy is no longer desirable. But to whom? Cosmo magazine? Why does their opinion on what is/isn't attractive affect us, and our own individual opinions? Our minds have been warped to believe what they want us to believe is beautiful. In the most cliche way possible, don't judge a book by it's cover. And even if you were, why does it matter if their cover is a little chunky?

1 comment:

  1. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder and if the beholders are generally idiots like most followers of the religion of media then who cares what they think anyways. Love has a way of finding us all unless we truly do not deserve it. Let those that fear the looks and words of fools be. there fate is sealed already. besides in ten or twenty years the new beauty may be morbidly obese bodies or involve amputation of our pinky or something.
