OCD, would not be something I have, but something I have experienced in my family. My uncle has OCD, and will leave work at the drop of a hat if he feels like he forgot to lock the door; then go back to work, and literally leave work again scared that he left the oven on. My little brother, also has OCD, but obviously in a different sense since he doesn't go to work. He is known as a counter/arranger. He has to have everything perfect, like his food. If his food even touches another piece of his food, both are now inedible and contaminated. Some people find this outrageously annoying, and have no idea how someone could put up with that on a daily basis. I feel like everyone has their own unique traits, and OCD can be one of them.
This is one of the most beautiful videos, and reminds me to the T of my uncle
My son has a slight form of OCD, so I can relate to this. He acts this out by hoarding, hiding, and constantly assuring himself that he has food available to him. He doesn't over-eat and is a healthy weight, but it's very difficult for me to deal with when I find his stashes of food in his dresser drawers, shoved next to his bed, in his backpack. He hovers and checks in every bag when groceries are brought in the house. It's hard to see him deal with this problem, but it could be worse!